Raw food

We've been eating a lot of salad lately. I remembered I used to eat a lot of raw food before I had kids and M's favorite meal used to be salad. We even had it for Christmas dinner once. She was about 5 or 6 and I asked her what she really wanted to eat. I used to make it look really appetising with all different colours of raw salad laid out on a plate, with dips. Today it was still sunny in the garden at tea time and we ate outside. We had 2 plates of salad: one with rocket, avocado, boiled eggs (hen's and duck's); one with lettuce, carrots, peppers, cucumbers, spring onions, all in strips, with orange segments. Also olives and boiled jersey royal potatoes. I did have some really nice vine-ripened tomatoes but I gave them all to Jill yeasterday, as she was cooking an amazing meal of Genovese Easter pie with artichokes and 'poor man's potatoes'. I did try some and it was absolutely delicious. Must get that recipe.
I know the 'raw food' I just described just sounds like a pretty traditional salad. Its all in the presentation, and I usually try to have something more interesting on offer. I forgot to mention the dips: home-made hummous, guacomole (which was, apparently better than Mooch's, but had nothing but avocado with a little bit of garlic and mayo), and the strangely popular 'thousand island dressing' which is really egg mayonnaise with a bit of ketchup in it.
That just looks and sounds sooo good. I want some now and I've not even had my breakfast yet!!!
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