the Quick Brown Pie

The melt-in-your-mouth pastry for this pie was made with 2 oz each of plain flour, spelt flour and butter, a bit of sunflower oil and water. I'm sure have made pastry with just oil and wholewheat flour, I seem to remember using hot water- I'll have to investigate this one; haven't done pastry for a while, so it makes a change. I'd like to try pasties next.
Brown Pie is what I call Linda Mccartney meaty style pies. The filling was:
4 small onions, chopped small
1 large carrot, diced
1 or 2 pototoes, diced
a few green beans, chopped
A tin of, or ready- cooked brown lentils
1 tomato
-sauted in a little oil, water added, and pepper, pinch of herbs, boillion, yeast extract and soy sauce, and simmered from a while.
Topped with the pastry in a casserole dish and baked for 15 mins at 200C
This was served with leftover mash and tinned petit pois and carrots! It was quick and is was yummy and not heavy on our sensitive stomachs! Well, Joy and Meg ate it all, Fergus mainly the pastry, and Freddie, well, he's not really decided whether or not he really likes pie, but he ate the veg, anyway!